Monday, July 27, 2009

Group 6

Please copy and paste your group's blog here. For those who have not written your paragraph YET, please click on comments and type in your paragraph.
Mrs Jay


  1. The wedding was held at Raiva St Kilda. It was on the twenty fourth of June of two thousand and nine. My cousin is going to get married!!! Her future husband is Kevin. They had been dating for three consecutive years, so it is not surprising that they are getting married. The cenermony was a very big one. It is filled with flowers and there is a pavilion for the groom to meet the bride.there were birds and benches arranged. My mother said it was a very romantic scene but I just feel that it is abit disgusting. Anyway, my family, ten relatives, five of the groom's colleagues and nine of the bride's friends.
    Kenneth Ong

  2. -day 2-
    After the wedding, we went straight to the airport so that we could catch our flight and be back home before school reopens. While waiting for our flight at the airport, I realised that my whole family had suddenly began sneezing and coughing. I didn't think much about it because I thought it was caused by the cold weather there. It was when my family and I walked through the thermal scanner at the Singapore airport that I realised that we had contracted a rather contagious fever. We were then sent to the Communicable Diseases Centre [CDC] and were then ordered to have the home quarantine order. I had to be quarantined for at least a week and that made my mood go down the drain as I was looking forward to meeting my friends and teachers after a long break. The people at the Communicable Diseases Centre [CDC] also said that we are not allowed to go out of the house unless if it is an emergency. Eventhough it is an emergency, we would have to wear face mask to prevent the disease from spreading. It also made people stay away from us and that pushed it to the limit so we decided to just stay indoors. I am looking forward to meeting my friends after the quarantine.
